
November 11 to 17

Schematic summary of the main speeches and audiences taking place at the Vatican during the month of November.

Editorial Staff Omnes-November 4, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes

Wednesday 13

The Holy Father continued his catechesis on the Holy Spirit, on this occasion by underlining the relationship between the Paraclete and the Virgin Mary. He began by recalling the traditional saying "Ad Iesum per Mariam", that is, "to Jesus through Mary".

Tuesday 12

Nothing relevant.

Monday 11

The Holy Father received in audience to the members of the Holy Synod of the Syro-Malankar Mar Thoma Church, who are visiting the Church of Rome for the first time to exchange the embrace of peace with their Bishop. To them, the Pontiff encouraged them to "continue the dialogue" in the hope "that it will hasten the day when we can share the same Eucharist".

Sunday 10

During the Angelus On Sunday, the Pontiff reflected on the social responsibility of every Christian, based on the Gospel. The Holy Father asked Catholics to distance themselves from the hypocrisy of the Pharisees that Christ denounces, and encouraged everyone to "do good without appearances and with simplicity".

Saturday 9

The Pope Francis received the Patriarch Mar Awa thirty years after the signing of the "Common Christological Declaration" by John Paul II and Mar Dinkha IV, which put an end to 1,500 years of doctrinal controversy between the Catholic and Eastern Churches. Present at the audience were members of the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue.

In a press release, the Lateran University presents. the new structure of the university composed of many lay people. A change in line with the statutes of the Pul and that will be articulated on several fronts to relaunch its development and its innate vocation to be a place of encounter and dialogue.

Pope appoints Friar Pasolini as the new preacher of the Pontifical HouseholdHe succeeds Cantalamessa, another famous Franciscan who held this position since 1980.

Thursday 7

The Pope received in audience the volunteers and homeless people of the group "Immersion in the center"He recalled that help is also "a simple smile, a gesture of friendship, a fraternal look, a sincere listening, a free service".

The Holy Father met with the Toledo seminarians.

Wednesday 6

In the General Audience Pope Francis prayed once again for Valencia before the image of its Patron Saint, Our Lady of the Forsaken, present in St. Peter's Square. In addition, the Holy Father encouraged us to pray with our hearts and as children of God to the Holy Spirit, "the advocate who defends us".

Fernando Enrique Ramón Casas and Arturo Javier García Pérez named auxiliary bishops of ValenciaThe diocese of the diocese has been affected by the DANA disaster.

Tuesday 5

The Pope gives a magisterial lecture at the Gregorian University. Returning from the conference has visited Emma Boninoformer Italian Foreign Minister, recently discharged from the hospital.

Monday 4

The Vatican announces that the Pope will create a new cardinal to those already announced. He will be the Archbishop of Naples, Domenico Battaglia.

The Pope receives the participants of the third meeting of the "The Pope's Day".Churches Field Hospital". Francis thanked them for their commitment to refugees, the poor and the homeless.

Sunday 3

The Holy Father continues to ask prayers for Valencia and reflects in this Sunday's Angelus on whether 'love for God is the center of my life'.

Saturday 2

From the Laurentian CemeteryIn Rome, the Holy Father presides at a Mass in suffrage for all the faithful departed.

Friday 1

The Pope celebrates the feast of All Saints and prays for peace at the Angelus prayer.

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