The Vatican

The "Cipriani case": chronology and doubts it raises

The news, published in a Spanish media, about an alleged abuse case involving the former Cardinal of Lima, Juan Luis Cipriani, has been followed by a succession of communiqués from different parties that raise the following questions various questions surrounding the development of this case.

María José Atienza / Javier García Herrería-January 30, 2025-Reading time: 4 minutes
Cipriani chronology

@CNS photo/David Maung

The succession of communiqués, affirmations and accusations that, for several days now, have been published as a result of the leak of a denunciation against the former Archbishop of Lima for two decades, leaves, besides the evident need to continue fighting against this reality, the importance of a transparent management by the Church in these painful cases.  

The following is a detailed chronology of the different communiqués that have taken place over the last week.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Publication of the accusations

The newspaper El País reports that, in 2019, Pope Francis removed Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, former archbishop of Lima and a member of Opus Dei, after he was accused of sexual abuse to a minor in 1983. The victim, now 58 years old, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims that the events occurred when she was 16 or 17 years old at an Opus Dei center in Lima and consisted of certain touching. 

Letter from Cardinal Cipriani

A few hours later, Cipriani published a letter categorically denying the facts and assuring that he has never committed any sexual abuse. He shows his regret for the leak of such delicate information and reiterates his unity with Pope Francis. 

In his letter, he points out that the complaint filed against him was not handed over to him and no process was opened against him, although the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith imposed on him as precautionary measures to live outside Peru and to limit his ministerial activity. He also adds that, in an audience with Pope Francis in February 2020, he was allowed to resume part of his priestly activity (preaching retreats, public celebration of the sacraments, etc.). 

Opus Dei Communiqué in Peru

On the same day, the regional vicar of Opus Dei in Peru issues a statement apologizing for not having met with Cipriani's whistleblower when the latter asked for an audience in 2018.

He explains that, since Cipriani was being investigated by the Vatican, he had no juridical competence in the case and preferred not to interfere in the process so as not to cause an untimely interference. However, he recognizes that he could have offered him his personal and spiritual support.

He also clarifies that there is no record of a formal process against Cipriani while the cardinal was incardinated in the prelature. The now regional vicar points out that in those years there were no protocols as rigorous as the current ones, which could have allowed complaints to go unregistered.

Emphasizes that, nowadays, any accusation follows a clear procedure and is not limited to private conversations. Reaffirms its commitment to prevention, improved complaint management and solidarity with victims of abuse.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Vatican Statement

Asked by some media, the Vatican spokesman confirms that, in 2019, disciplinary measures were imposed on Cardinal Cipriani due to allegations of pederasty. These measures included his retirement, residence outside Peru, prohibition from making public statements and the use of cardinal symbols. 

It also assures that the precautionary measures were still in force, something especially relevant because Cipriani had received on January 7, 2025 an important civil recognition, the most important medal of merit of the city of Lima. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Communiqué of the Archbishop of Lima

The Archbishop of Lima, Carlos Castillo, issues a communiqué in support of victims of pederasty and journalists who denounce these cases. He strongly criticizes those who deny the truth and reject the decisions of the Holy See, urging them to conversion and to abandon justifications.

He does not explicitly quote Cipriani, but his message was understood as a position on the case, taking into account the context of the controversy.

Press release from the Peruvian Bishops' Conference

The Episcopal Conference expresses its sorrow for the news about Cardinal Cipriani and regrets the suffering of the victim and the ecclesial community. The Peruvian bishops value the decision of Pope Francis, highlighting the combination of justice and mercy in the measures imposed and call for prayers for the complainant, for Cipriani and for the Church, so that it may be a safe space of reconciliation.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Letter from Cipriani to the President of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference

After the various manifestations around this issue, Cardinal Cipriani writes a letter to his brothers in the Peruvian episcopate. In it he reiterates his innocence and maintains that he signed the restrictions imposed by the Vatican in 2019, declaring in the same act that the accusation was false and that he obeyed out of love for the Church. He insisted that he accepted the preventive measures while the truth was being clarified, although he claims not to have been able to defend himself. 

In this letter, the former archbishop of Lima for two decades, expresses his surprise that the Peruvian episcopate has not respected his presumption of innocence in the face of the accusations and reiterates his communion with the Pope and his fidelity to the Church.

Legal and procedural issues

The call Cipriani case has raised several questions since, less than a week ago, and in a completely surprising way, it came to light. The doubts, expressed from various media and institutions begin with the fact that the cardinal was sanctioned in 2019 without having had a clear legal process.

To date, the Vatican has not denied that the Peruvian cardinal did not have access to the complaint, nor the conditions under which Cipriani assures that he signed the restrictions imposed. Likewise, some have pointed out the "coincidence" that the leak of this case occurred at a time when thousands of communicators were meeting in Rome on the occasion of the Jubilee of CommunicatorsThe Vatican's Sala Stampa, which is not usually open on public holidays, is open to the public. 

While the fact of the lawsuit and the disciplinary measures by the Vatican is confirmed by both parties, it gives the impression that there has been no formal investigation of the facts, nor a normalized legal process of the case, despite the fact that it was in 2019 when the canonical process of this nature is clarified by Vos estis lux mundi. A series of questions that make it difficult to understand this process, which continues to raise questions at this time.

The authorMaría José Atienza / Javier García Herrería

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